Thursday, June 16, 2011

SONNI SAYS: "Take A Break"

“Sometimes you have to step away from a project in order to revisit it with fresh ideas.”

I think the Coyote never caught the Roadrunner because he obsessed too much over his goal. Think about it, every ellaborate trick, chase and trap ended in failure but you never see him actually take a break. After over 30 years of pursuit you’d think he’d be tired and eventually give up.

No matter how small, everyone has a goal that defines their purpose in life:

  • To be a doctor, lawyer, rapper, pornstar etc.
  • To have a big happy family.
  • World domination.
The whole purpose to having a life goal is to give YOU something to do with your life. It’s a long road and if you’re changing directions its kinda important to know what your destination is, right?
Its important to know when to take a break. If you don’t, you won’t pursue your goals with the same passion that you had when you began and then your efforts become weak unproductive.
When you’re ready to start again, completely start over instead. Look over everything that went wrong the last time and find a way around it, there's ALWAYS an answer.

Step 1 to changing your direction: Take a break, then start over.

Oh by the way! The Coyote took my advice and look what happen…

Side note: I've gone back and forth about this blogging thing. Shit, I've posted this same post before but it holds true now more than it did 2 or so years ago. Sometimes I'm dedicated sometimes I'm not. I think its mainly because I didn't have too much to talk about in the past and I didn't want to create a blog that just copy and pasted the latest hip hop news. But I'm just gonna keep this simple and personal this time around. Either way enjoy and stay tuned.
